Mother's Day Volunteering - Girls on the Run 2018

On Mother's Day, I volunteered for the second year in a row at the Girls On the Run 5K event.  This year they had more than 1,700 girls participating!  Girls on the Run is a community organization that helps girls from 3rd-8th grade with empowerment, self-esteem, and camaraderie by getting them involved in an after school running program.  The Community Outreach Committee on which I serve for the Alliance of Professional Women in Denver has been supporting this organization since 2016.  We sponsor the Happy Hair booth. At our booth, volunteers sprayed temporary color into the hair of hundreds of kids on Sunday morning. Kids started arriving at about 7;30 a.m. and kept coming for the next hour and a half.  Even with 12 volunteers, we were coloring hair nonstop for the entire time!  

Once we were finished with the booth, I went over and photographed the start of the race and enjoyed seeing all the participants running with huge smiles on their faces (which is NOT how I feel when I run, by the way.)  This program is such a delight to serve.  I am glad I was able to help out again this year.


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