Brand Photography for Women's Business Day

We all know the stories about how women became an instrumental part of the contemporary workforce. It was WWII; husbands and fathers had been drafted into service, leaving women to take on the role of bacon-winning provider, in addition to their bacon-frying responsibilities. It was touted as women’s patriotic duty, and many were the first in their female lineage to ever have a job outside the home. The economy thrived as a result, and many women enjoyed working so much that 25% of the female population continued working after the end of the war – a number that has grown tremendously over the last several decades.

Fast forward to the present day, where we have mompreneurs rocking side hustles and corporate women leaving the 9-to-5 to define their own destiny. In many ways, we’re experiencing a new surge of ‘women in the workplace’ that we saw in the 1940s, except this time, it’s women stepping into their own power as the founder, owner, and CEO of their own company.

Woman CEO and founder of a Denver coaching firm.

In fact, women are more likely to start their own business than men, especially in service-based industries. Women are also less likely to hire a team, which means solopreneurship is slowly becoming a women’s game.

Cute branding photo of a woman wearing great eyeglasses

When you’re the face of your own business, part of what you’re selling is yourself. We often want to hide behind a logo or a website, but your audience is choosing to work with you, another human that they feel connected to. So, we need to present ourselves not just as a business, but as ourselves. We do this by showing our personal side, letting our hair down, and putting ourselves out there as authentically as possible. This happens through communication: written, verbal, and visual (the trifecta!).

Woman demonstrates listening for feedback from a client.

As a business owner myself, I’ve experienced the challenges that come along with the necessity of selling myself. We all want to put our best foot forward, but when you are your own brand, it means you need to let the inside shine out, whatever that looks like. Something that is incredibly hard to do on the days that you’re not feeling super confident – we have to believe in ourselves first and encourage others to do so as well. Not always an easy feat!

PHoto of yoga teacher smiling and laughing

Sometimes it’s hard to get the words together, something I’ve recognized in my clients during our branding sessions. They may not always have the right word to express what they feel, but the passion that lights up their face says it all. It’s why brand photography is so important to express who you are to attract your target audience. Remember: they’re buying into you.

Photo of woman business owner frustrated with something she sees on her computer screen

When your ideal client can see the strength in your smile or the engaged way you lean in to listen to a client – even in a photo – it speaks volumes about why you do what you do. And at the end of the day, that’s a big reason why we decide to work with someone. We want their passion and enthusiasm for their work to spill over into ours. 

Photo of a therapist working with a couple.

September 22nd is Women’s Business Day, a holiday I think we should all observe to acknowledge the history that has lead us to where we each are in our business journeys. It’s a holiday that I’d love to celebrate with you during a brand photography session. 

Gorgeous outdoor portrait of a woman CEO.

Let’s capture your personal style and passion for your work, so your zeal will attract those who want your energy to overflow into their business, aka your ideal client. Because you have already stepped into your own power by starting your own business: now, it’s time to own it, by standing front and center as the face of your brand!

Contact me to learn more about a business branding photography session today!


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