A Day in the Life of a Denver Lawyer

Quiet, ordinary moments are interesting to me.   What I enjoyed most about the day in the life session I shot with Denver lawyer, Kelly Snodgrass of Snodgrass Law, LLC, was learning the little things. Kelly takes off her shoes under her desk. She says she’s detached but you can see her passion for her work and her empathy and concern for her client. She wears her college sweatshirt when she wants to be comfortable. And at the end of the day, she watches cooking shows and snuggles under a Muppets blanket. For real. Kelly is a beautiful, incredibly intelligent, single woman who owns her own home and her own business.  It's a powerful combination.  She's intriguing and lovely and compassionate.  I have gotten to know Kelly through a networking group, but you don't get much of a peek into somebody's life at networking events.  After attending a luncheon for the Alliance of Professional Women, we headed to a client’s divorce mediation. It's so interesting to see what a badass Kelly is when she's "on" in a mediation.  She was so dedicated to her client and helping him through all the weird twists and turns that divorce can bring.  He and the mediator were very kind to allow me to be in the room documenting the proceeding.  Things didn’t end the way they do on TV, no banging of a gavel or sense of resolve.  Three hours after we began, we just packed up our gear and left.  It was oddly unsatisfying.

Kelly wrapped up her day by fixing me dinner while we drank wine and did what women will do – talked about men. Beautifully ordinary.

This video has music.  It's best watched in 720p in full screen view (see the little box in the lower right corner of the view screen).  Images follow.


Day in the life of a Denver lawyer - black and white photo of woman shaking hands at an event

Day in the life of a Denver lawyer - black and white photo of woman shaking hands at an event

Day in the life of a lawyer - woman at her desk seen through slatted blinds

Day in the life of a lawyer - woman at her desk seen through slatted blinds

Day in the life of a Denver lawyer - woman at her desk with her hand on her face

Day in the life of a Denver lawyer - woman at her desk with her hand on her face

Black and whote of woman going down stairs from above

Black and whote of woman going down stairs from above

Woman in a hallway talking to unseen person

Woman in a hallway talking to unseen person

A lawyer, her client, and a mediator through a doorway

A lawyer, her client, and a mediator through a doorway

Lawyer and client at a table over the sholder shot of the mediator gesturing.

Lawyer and client at a table over the sholder shot of the mediator gesturing.

Woman alone in a conference room standing over her computer.

Woman alone in a conference room standing over her computer.

Lawyer looking exasperated next to her client.

Lawyer looking exasperated next to her client.

Kelly with her hand on her face looking perplexed.

Kelly with her hand on her face looking perplexed.

Lawyer talking to her client.

Lawyer talking to her client.

Lawyer and her client both on phone looking frustrated.

Lawyer and her client both on phone looking frustrated.

Kelly leaving the building in the dark.

Kelly leaving the building in the dark.

Kelly at the liquor store.

Kelly at the liquor store.

Kelly in her kitchen seen through a windwo.

Kelly in her kitchen seen through a windwo.

Preparing dinner in her Denver Law sweatshirt.

Preparing dinner in her Denver Law sweatshirt.

Woman asleep on her sofa under a Muppets blanket.

Woman asleep on her sofa under a Muppets blanket.


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