Day in the Life Photography - The Beauty of Being

A common theme I hear about Day in the Life Photography is that people think themselves boring.  "We just don't do anything that interesting", they say.  "I can't imagine what we would do for all that time", when I explain a Day in the Life Session could run half the day.  Until you've looked at a lot of DITL photos and understood the context in which they were taken, it's difficult to appreciate that the photos are beautiful because people are beautiful, not because they were doing the most perfect thing in the most perfect location. Day in the Life sessions are about the small spaces in your life, not just the big moments.  We tend to remember our lives through our photographs, we share our family history with our friends and progeny by looking at photos.  I wish I had photos of what my room looked like when I was seven and I had built a castle of cardboard boxes for my stuffed animals.  I wish there were photos of when my mom decided to make marzipan and we spent an afternoon making little candy fruits and shapes.   I wish there were photos of my mom's art studio when we lived on Washington Island.  It's hard to share my childhood stories because there is no visual representation of any of those moments.  Day in the Life Photography helps you capture the beauty of being alive, of being you.

Boy eating steaming noodles.

Boy eating steaming noodles.

Men drinking beer, hanging out with dogs.

Men drinking beer, hanging out with dogs.

Girl drawing at the table.

Girl drawing at the table.

Man sitting in a chair next to a lamp.

Man sitting in a chair next to a lamp.

Man cooking breakfast.

Man cooking breakfast.

Family in their car with the dog in the center.

Family in their car with the dog in the center.

Black and white of a group with birthday candles

Black and white of a group with birthday candles

What part of your life today goes undocumented but will probably be the source of some of your favorite memories?

To see more Day in the Life Photography click here.

Want to learn more about Day in the Life Photography?  Contact me!


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