East High Senior Photos - Denver Senior Photographer

One thing I like about shooting East High senior photos is that the school is very open to different styles of photography.  I promised Phil that we could shoot wherever he wanted, and his request was to shoot in a cemetery.   It was drizzly and gray and suited the mood he wanted to create.  Denver weather being what it is, the drizzle turned into a downpour and we were forced to quit early and scheduled another session to finish.  A couple weeks later we had a "normal" senior photo session and got some shots that pleased his parents.   For me,  I am always game for whatever a senior wants to try.  I think we have time to get shots that please kids and parents.  In this case, I think both turned out great.  We were definitely channeling Harold and Maude for a few of these photos. The music on this video will make more sense if you've seen Harold and Maude...

east high senior photos - phil with natural hair

east high senior photos - phil with natural hair

east high senior photos - 2 up phil in leather on a path

east high senior photos - 2 up phil in leather on a path

east high senior photos - phil being silly

east high senior photos - phil being silly

east high senior photos - phil in tall grass looking serious

east high senior photos - phil in tall grass looking serious

east high senior photos - 2 up phil in front of mosoleum

east high senior photos - 2 up phil in front of mosoleum

east high senior photos - among headstones channeling harold and maude

east high senior photos - among headstones channeling harold and maude

east high senior photos - natural hair color

east high senior photos - natural hair color

east high senior photos - 2up phil in leaves and two boys under umbrella

east high senior photos - 2up phil in leaves and two boys under umbrella


The Photo I Never Took - Denver Portrait Photographer


Day in the Life Family Photography - Lifestyle Photographer Denver