Life Unstill Photography

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Home Newborn Photos Denver

There is something special about in-home newborn photos.  The hospital photos, if that is where you choose to have your birth, are special because they are that moment when your life has changed, and when this baby looks most as he or she did in utero. But the in-home newborn photos capture more of what you and your child will really want to remember – what your home and your life was like in those first precious weeks and months. The new parents, outside the confines of hospital walls and the knowledge there is a nurse just feet away, show their newfound confidence in caring for their child and creating their own system and own way of childcare. Once home, parents become the experts on their child and lovingly adjust their lives around their new master (ha ha). Yet in all seriousness, once baby is home, so much of life is different, you suddenly have baby blankets and pacifiers and nursing pillows and bottles and swings and bouncers and and and and a whole universe of baby taking over the home. It’s fun to recognize the change and show your pride and commitment to a new way of life. I photographed this family in their home approximately a week after their son was born. Mom and dad had a chance to chill and relax into their roles as parents. They looked like absolute pros. It was also wonderful to see the Harry Potter themed room based on the books that both parents absolutely adore.