Samantha's Continuation - Event Photography
I took photos of of our friend Samantha's Continuation from elementary school. The transition into middle school around here is a big deal. Maybe it's that way everywhere? Just wasn't that way when I was in school. Of course those were the dark ages. There are certificates of completion, cake, flowers, and commendations for all the kids who complete elementary school. I was impressed to see that the school had a sign language interpreter at the graduation - like the big leagues! The teachers cleverly planned a photo op after the ceremony where all the kids stood on the steps to the school for about five minutes and families could take turns getting a photo of the entire 5th grade together. Of course the kids weren't all looking in the same direction but you get the idea. There was a huge party at a student's house afterward, for the entire fifth grade, that I wish I could have attended. They did a water-gun/water-balloon version of the Hunger Games. I'm sure it was a riot.
Congratulations Samantha! I'm sure you will have a great time at Skinner!
Samanthas Graduation Collage
Samantha's Graduation Collage #2
Wilkins Family Collage at Drake's Graduation