Senior Photo Session - Berkeley Klein

Senior photo session - Berkeley collage 1

Senior photo session - Berkeley collage 1

senior photo session Berkeley collage 2

senior photo session Berkeley collage 2

senior photo session Berkeley collage 3

senior photo session Berkeley collage 3

senior photo session Berkeley Magazine style collage

senior photo session Berkeley Magazine style collage

I shot Berkeley's senior photo session at the Denver Botanic Gardens amidst throngs of Dale Chihuily fans.  Shooting there right now is a challenge because there are so many visitors at the gardens due to the fantastic glass exhibit.  Initially I played with trying to incorporate some of the art into my photos but ultimately, I decided nothing can compare to the beauty of the human face.  Nobody would notice the art anyhow, so why compete with 200 other people for a spot next to a sculpture?  Berkeley was really easy going and has such obvious beauty it was a treat as a photographer to shoot with her.  I have a tendency to prefer people not to smile in photos and Berkeley is no exception.  I'm sure her parents will want to wring my neck for saying so but she has this very sexy, sultry look about her that just calls to the camera and I couldn't help but try to emphasize.  It was a pleasure to work with her.  I photographed Berkeley and Ashley Zaeske on the same day (they are friends since preschool) and I got to enjoy the photographic trifecta of the Botanic Gardens, the tall, blonde gorgeousness of Ashley and the petite, dark, winsomeness of Berkeley.  I'm one lucky photographer.   I included here some images I finished with a magazine-style filter because I love them.  Have a fun senior year Berkeley.   To see more senior photos, click here.


Anniversary Party - Ray and Claudette's 50th


Mountain Range Senior Photos - Ashley Zaeske